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Available From UC Press
Postcolonial Disorders
The essays in this volume reflect on the nature of subjectivity in the diverse places where anthropologists work at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Contributors explore everyday modes of social and psychological experience, the constitution of the subject, and forms of subjection that shape the lives of Basque youth, Indonesian artists, members of nongovernmental HIV/AIDS programs in China and the Republic of Congo, psychiatrists and the mentally ill in Morocco and Ireland, and persons who have suffered trauma or been displaced by violence in the Middle East and in South and Southeast Asia.
Painting on book jacket by Entang Wiharso
Painting on book jacket by Entang Wiharso
Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good is Professor of Social Medicine at Harvard University and author of many publications, including American Medicine: The Quest for Competence (UC Press) and coeditor of Pain as Human Experience (UC Press). Sandra Teresa Hyde is Associate Professor in the Departments of Anthropology and Social Studies of Medicine, McGill University, and the author of Eating Spring Rice: The Cultural Politics of AIDS in Southwest China (UC Press). Sarah Pinto is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Tufts University and author of Where There is No Midwife: Birth and Loss in Rural India. Byron Good is Professor of Medical Anthropology at Harvard University, author of Medicine, Rationality and Experience, and coeditor of Subjectivity: Ethnographic Investigations (UC Press), among other books.