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University of California Press

Book Authors

Why Publish With Us?

University of California Press is one of the largest and most distinguished scholarly publishers in the world, dedicated to promoting independent thinking and diverse voices. Each year, UC Press publishes about 200 new books in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Our titles set the standard for excellence in scholarship and craftsmanship, and enrich lives around the globe.

Note: If you are a current author looking for instructions on how to prepare your maunuscript for production, please contact your editor or EA.

Life of a Book Timeline

View our guide to the key milestones of the book publishing journey, from proposal to publication.

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Learn about our FirstGen Program

Find out how we're supporting first-gen scholars.

Author Promotions Toolkit

Find tips and resources to promote your work alongside our professional marketing and publicity efforts. Learn how to build your profile, leverage your networks, and use social media to reach your audience.

Visit Our Blog

The Author Resources section of our blog has additional information on book publishing, common author FAQs, and working with our staff.