University of California Press (UC Press) is seeking applicants for editor of the journal Music Perception. The new editorship will begin July 1, 2023 following the end of Editor Kate Stevens’s term. 

Music Perception (MP) is a journal whose scope concerns the perception and cognition of music in composing, improvising, playing, performing, recalling, recognizing, teaching, learning and responding to music through single or multiple modalities. Publishing its first issue in 1983, MP draws from a range of disciplines and interdisciplinary teams, including psychology, music, cognitive neuroscience, music theory, acoustics, linguistics, philosophy, anthropology, cognitive science, computer science, speech science, corpus studies, and data science. The journal publishes theory driven, basic and applied science, empirical reports, theoretical papers, and reviews.

Music Perception currently enjoys a Journal Impact Factor of 2.184 and a CiteScore of 2.7.

Applicants for the editor position should have a distinguished scholarly record and an advanced degree in a discipline associated with music perception from science, the arts, and/or the humanities, e.g. psychology, cognitive science, music, empirical musicology, neuroscience, computer science, philosophy, physics, engineering, or social science. Previous journal editorial experience is preferred, but not required. Applicants should possess strong organizational and management skills, the ability to work with others, and a commitment to publishing high quality, relevant, and engaging scholarship.

The editor’s primary responsibilities include: 

  • Soliciting, reviewing, and making final decisions on submissions to the journal
  • Managing all aspects of the review and publication process
  • Ensuring editorial workflows and processes run smoothly
  • Appointing and collaborating with Associate and Consulting Editors on the Editorial Board
  • Meeting with UC Press staff regularly to discuss various aspects of journal publishing, journal promotion, and other journal projects

UC Press offers a modest stipend for editorial support for this position. 

Applicants should send a letter of application including their vision and goals for the journal, a description of their qualifications for the position, a current CV, and a description of any potential institutional support to:

Krystal Farmer
Journal Relations Manager
University of California Press

Applicants are encouraged to submit applications by November 23, 2022, although applications will be considered on an ongoing basis.