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University of California Press

UC Press Blog

5 Results

Florida’s Racist African American History Standards Reveal a Long History of Slavery Apologism

Apr 05 2024
By Bayley Marquez, author of Plantation Pedagogy: The Violence of Schooling across Black and Indigenous Space In the summer of 2023, as I was finishing reviewing the copy edits of my manuscript for Plantation Pedagogy, news sources began reporting on the controversy over Florida’s stat...
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When Do You Stop Arriving?: African American Histories in Rural California

Mar 01 2023
Nine young men and women sitting in a field, Tulare County, 1912 [229]. Roberts Family Papers, African American Museum & Library at Oakland. California History recently published its second special issue on the history of African Americans in California. This issue arrived in a mom...
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 The Enduring Relevance of Bob Blauner’s Black Lives, White Lives

Apr 04 2022
Now with a new foreword, this timely reissue features a remarkable collection of oral histories that trace three decades of turbulent race relations and social change in the United States for a new generation of activists. One evening in 1955, Howard Spence, a Mississippi field rep...
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Excerpt from The Night Malcolm X Spoke at the Oxford Union

May 21 2021
For Malcolm X Day, UC Press is featuring an excerpt from The Night Malcolm X Spoke at the Oxford Union by Stephen Tuck. Less than three months before he was assassinated, Malcolm X spoke at the Oxford Union—the most prestigious student debating organization in the United Kingdom. Tuck use...
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Atonement: What Reparations Can Look Like in 2019

Jun 18 2019
The fundamental purpose for redressing atrocities is to accentuate a common humanity between perpetrator and victims.Roy L. Brooks, author of Atonement and Forgiveness: A New Model for Black Reparations An issue sure to be part of the 2020 election cycle is HR 40, the commission to stu...
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