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University of California Press

UC Press Blog

3 Results

UC Press March and April Award Winners

May 05 2021
UC Press is proud to publish award-winning authors and books across many disciplines. Below are several of our recent award winners. Please join us in celebrating these scholars by sharing the news! Milena Belloni 2020 Best Book Honorable MentionInternational Studies...
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Author Spotlight: Interview with Owens Book Award Winner Genevieve Carpio, author of Collisions at the Crossroads

Oct 15 2020
This post is part of our #WHA2020 blog series. Learn more at our WHA virtual exhibit. We’re excited to announce that Genevieve Carpio has won the Western History Association’s 2020 Owens Book Award for Collisions at the Crossroads! As part of our virtual WHA 2020 conference blog series...
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History Predicted ICE’s Use of Facial Recognition on Your Driver’s License

Jan 04 2020
This guest post is published as part of our blog series for the annual meeting of the American Historical Association, January 4-6 in New York. #AHA20 By Genevieve Carpio, author of Collisions at the Crossroads: How Place and Mobility Make Race Who doesn’t hate having their ...
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