We need to recognize the degree to which what appears to us as AI is in fact an aggregation of data and images that are already circulating in the public domain, and hence it is a socially spayed technology: it is not appearing as magic before us.
"The debate about methodological nationalism has clearly influenced our approach, and the possibility of a social science less bound by national traditions and the nation state as the seemingly 'natural' unit of analysis"
"The global and local are closely intertwined, and the multi-functional features of civic society organizations are best understood in the local context where global issues are manifest and addressed in distinctive fashion."
In response to the International Studies Association’s annual theme–A Wider Discipline for a Smaller World-we offer a few reflections on how tapping into a broader array of disciplines and subjects can bring clarity and enhanced insights into our understanding of the urgent challenges of our times.
Our forthcoming special collection with 14 essays and five commentaries from leading academics and practitioners will examine the changing nature of multilateralism and global development. Collectively we analyze new forms of multilateralism, changes underway in old multilateralism, the possibility
"This is an ambitious new journal on an important, wide-ranging topic. With an impressively diverse editorial board, and a healthy number of section editors, each with their own advisory board, this journal’s structure seems to offer a balance of breadth and depth worthy of the name."
"You can imagine how if we wanted to create algorithms that could help inform judicial decisions or credit scoring systems or employment decisions and we did so by training those algorithms on existing, human-made decisions in these areas, then all of the biases underlying those human decisions woul