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UC Press Blog

3 Results

Attend LSA 2023 Book Forums and Panels

May 31 2023
We’re thrilled to have so many authors presenting at this year’s Law & Society Association’s annual conference. See below for our list of acclaimed authors and where and when to catch them at the conference. The full conference program is here. (All events at the Caribe Hotel, S...
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The Different States of Motherhood

May 15 2023
Recognizing and honoring the unique and different aspects of being a mother in 2023 While Mother’s Day is a time for mothers across the globe to be celebrated, it is equally important to take into account the issues that society and policies have enacted that put mother’s in a position...
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The Quiet Revolution of Women Experiencing Maternal Incarceration 

Mar 07 2022
By Geniece Crawford Mondé, author of This Is Our Freedom: Motherhood in the Shadow of the American Prison System In the wake of global protests for justice in the summer of 2020, a broader conversation about the impact of this country’s criminal legal system and its ties to systemic in...
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