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University of California Press

About the Book

Eileen Bowser chronicles the history of the American film business from the days of storefront nickelodeons to the premiere of D. W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation. The effect of the surroundings—the size of the hall; whether the film was shown alone or along with vaudeville entertainment; and the size, quality, and relevance of the musical background—are all examined for their impact on the filmgoing experience.

About the Author

Eileen Bowser is former Curator of Film at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Table of Contents


1 The Nickelodeon
2 A Game of Freeze-out
3 The Recruiting Station of Vice
4 The Films: Alternate Scenes
5 General Filmco and the Pushcart Peddlers
6 Acting: The Camera's Closer View
7 Brand Names and Stars
8 Movie Palaces
9 Trademarks, Titles, Introductions
10 Detours onthe Way to Hollywood
11 The Genre Film
12 The Feature Film
13 The Lid Comes Off
14 Refining the Product
15 Scene Dissection, Spectacle, Film as Art

List of Abbreviations
Picture Sources
General Index
Index of Films