102 Results
Industrial Islamism: How Authoritarian Movements Mobilize Workers
by Utku Baris Balaban (Author)Jul 2025Open AccessBlack Muslim Refugee: Militarism, Policing, and Somali American Resistance to State Violence
by Maxamed Abumaye (Author)Jun 2025Islamic Law on Trial: Contesting Colonial Power in British India
by Sohaira Z. M. Siddiqui (Author)Apr 2025Kings and Dervishes: Sufi World Renunciation and the Symbolism of Kingship in the Persianate World
by Said Amir Arjomand (Author)Mar 2025Women, Faith, and Family: Reclaiming Gender Justice through Religious Activism
by Samaneh Oladi (Author)Oct 2024- Open Access
Following Similar Paths: What American Jews and Muslims Can Learn from One Another
by Samuel C. Heilman (Author), Mucahit Bilici (Author)Sep 2024- Open Access
The New Crusades: Islamophobia and the Global War on Muslims
by Khaled A. Beydoun (Author), Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw (Foreword by)Feb 2024Pious Labor: Islam, Artisanship, and Technology in Colonial India
by Amanda Lanzillo (Author)Jan 2024Open AccessPlacing Islam: Geographies of Connection in Twentieth-Century Istanbul
by Timur Warner Hammond (Author)May 2023Open AccessAn Afterlife for the Khan: Muslims, Buddhists, and Sacred Kingship in Mongol Iran and Eurasia
by Jonathan Z. Brack (Author)May 2023Taming the Messiah: The Formation of an Ottoman Political Public Sphere, 1600–1700
by Aslihan Gurbuzel (Author)Jan 2023Jewish Muslims: How Christians Imagined Islam as the Enemy
by David M. Freidenreich (Author)Jan 2023Stories between Christianity and Islam: Saints, Memory, and Cultural Exchange in Late Antiquity and Beyond
by Reyhan Durmaz (Author)Oct 2022We'll Play till We Die: Journeys across a Decade of Revolutionary Music in the Muslim World
by Mark LeVine (Author)Sep 2022