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University of California Press


Rooted in the long and heterodox history of Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, the Antipode Book Series publishes innovative monographs which push at the boundaries of radical geographical thinking, and which are rigorous and substantive in theoretical and empirical terms. Authors are encouraged to critique and challenge settled orthodoxies and to rearticulate frameworks for understanding, while engaging the context of intellectual traditions and their particular trajectories. Books should put new research or critical analyses to work to contribute to strengthening a Left politics broadly defined. This includes, but is not limited to, attention to how politics of class, gender, race, colonialism, sexuality, ability are a core part of radical theory and politics.

Published by the University of California Press, the Antipode Book Series offers some of the best and most provocative geographical work available today—work from both geographers and fellow travellers in adjacent disciplines, from scholars both eminent and emerging. It welcomes submissions from all places, including the global South and/or from those traditionally marginalised in the academy (historically under-represented groups, regions, countries, and institutions). We’re also open to work rooted in a range of Left intellectual and political traditions, as well as work that crosses the boundaries between them and that puts them in conversation. In this respect the Antipode Book Series seeks to both represent the full breadth of radical geographical scholarship and to push at its limits in generative ways.


Book Series Editors: 

Kiran Asher, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (

David Featherstone, University of Glasgow (

Submission Guidelines 

Please send your proposal to both Series Editors for consideration. 

The Antipode Book Series editors and advisory board will review submissions and may request additional materials. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis. 


