There has been a constant pattern of violence against communities of color, and Black people in particular, that we acknowledge exists in our country and throughout history. It is on all of us, as individuals, as organizations, and as institutions, to help interrupt and eradicate this pattern of racism. University of California Press recognizes and acknowledges this: Black Lives Matter.

The mission of UC Press is to drive progressive change by seeking out and cultivating the brightest minds and giving them voice, reach, and impact. We believe that scholarship is a powerful tool for fostering a deeper understanding of our world and changing how people think, plan, and govern. The work of addressing society’s core challenges can be accelerated when scholarship assumes its role as an agent of engagement and democracy.

And while we publish material that helps to provide context on Black lives and communities around the protests in the wake of the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and many others, it is not enough. To be true to our mission, we must exhibit solidarity and support when the situation demands it. 

As a publisher, we believe words carry weight. But we also know that actions speak louder than words. Therefore, it is not just our moral imperative to stand up with our Black community—and in particular our Black staff and authors—with our words, but also with our actions. Silence is not an option, and neither is sitting back. Therefore, we plan to:

  • Amplify melanated voices
  • Promote content that is relevant to the social injustices that the Black community is facing, and has faced, throughout history
  • Support our staff who take action in the fight for justice by sharing ways to contribute to this movement, providing mental health resources, and making time for staff to participate in community-wide conversations within the University of California around how to support one another in this time of crisis
  • Commit financial resources to implement diversity, equity, and inclusion training for our entire staff

We know that this is not enough. We need to do more. We welcome your feedback on ways to work together to improve the conditions for our Black community. It is on all of us to stand united and make progress.

In solidarity and support for #BlackLivesMatter.