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University of California Press

About the Book

The labor of black workers has been crucial to economic development in the United States. Yet because of racism and segregation, their contribution remains largely unknown. Spanning the 1930s to the present, Black Workers Remember tells the hidden history of African American workers in their own words. It provides striking firsthand accounts of the experiences of black southerners living under segregation in Memphis, Tennessee. Eloquent and personal, these oral histories comprise a unique primary source and provide a new way of understanding the black labor experience during the industrial era. Together, the stories demonstrate how black workers resisted racial apartheid in American industry and underscore the active role of black working people in history.

The individual stories are arranged thematically in chapters on labor organizing, Jim Crow in the workplace, police brutality, white union racism, and civil rights struggles. Taken together, the stories ask us to rethink the conventional understanding of the civil rights movement as one led by young people and preachers in the 1950s and 1960s. Instead, we see the freedom struggle as the product of generations of people, including workers who organized unions, resisted Jim Crow at work, and built up their families, churches, and communities. The collection also reveals the devastating impact that a globalizing capitalist economy has had on black communities and the importance of organizing the labor movement as an antidote to poverty. Michael Honey gathered these oral histories for more than fifteen years. He weaves them together here into a rich collection reflecting many tragic dimensions of America's racial history while drawing new attention to the role of workers and poor people in African American and American history.

About the Author

Michael Keith Honey is Harry Bridges Chair of Labor Studies and Professor of African-American, Ethnic and Labor Studies, and American History at the University of Washington, Tacoma. He is the author of the prize-winning Southern Labor and Black Civil Rights: Organizing Memphis Workers (1993).

Table of Contents

Synopsis and Acknowledgments
Preface: Black History as Labor History
Introduction: The Power of Remembering 

1 Segregation, Racial Violence, and Black Workers 
Fannie Henderson Witnesses Southern Lynch Law 
William Glover Recounts His Frame-up by the Memphis Police 
Longshore Leader Thomas Watkins Escapes Assassination 

2 From Country to City: Jim Crow at Work 
Hillie and Laura Pride Move to Memphis 
Matthew Davis Describes Heavy Industrial Work
George Holloway Remembers the Crump Era 
Clarence Coe Recalls the Pressures of White Supremacy 

3 Making a Way Out of No Way: Black Women Factory Workers 
Irene Branch Does Double Duty as a Domestic and Factory Worker 
Evelyn Bates Reflects on Her Lifetime of Factory Work 
Susie Wade Tells How She Built a Life around Work
Rebecca McKinley Remembers the Strike at Memphis Furniture Company

Interlude: Not What We Seem 

4 Freedom Struggles at the Point of Production 
Clarence Coe Fights for Equality 
Lonnie Roland and other Black Workers Implement the Brown Decision on the Factory Floor
George Holloway's Struggle against White Worker Racism 

5 Organizing and Surviving in the Cold War 
Leroy Clark Follows the Pragmatic Road to Survival in the Jim Crow South 
Leroy Boyd Battles White Supremacy in the Era of the Red Scare 

Interlude: Arts of Resistance 

6 Civil Rights Unionism 
Leroy Boyd Tells How Black Workers Used the Movement for Civil Rights to Revive Local I9
Factory Worker Matthew Davis Becomes a Community Leader 
Edward Lindsey Recalls Black Union Politics 
Alzada and Leroy Clark Fight for Unionism
and Civil Rights
Alzada Clark Organizes Black Women Workers in Mississippi 

7 "I Am a Man": Unionism and the Black Working Poor 
Taylor Rogers Relives the Memphis Sanitation Strike
fames Robinson Describes the Worst job He Ever Had 
Leroy Boyd and Clarence Coe Recall a Strike and the Death of Martin Luther King
William Lucy Reflects on the Strikes Meaning and Outcome 

8 The Fate of the Black Working Class: The Global Economy, Racism, and Union Organizing 
Confronting Deindustrialization
Ida Leachman Tells How Her Union Continues to Organize Low-Wage Workers 
George Holloway and Clarence Coe Reflect on the Importance of Unions and the Struggle 
against Racism 

Epilogue: Scars of Memory 
References and Notes 


  • H. L. Mitchell Award 2000, Southern Historical Association
  • Lillian Smith Book Award for nonfiction 2000, Southern Regional Council
  • Murray Morgan Prize 2000, Tacoma Public Library